Performance corresponding to the technical parameters of fan coil units

FP-238 horizontal fan coil unit
FP-238 horizontal fan coil unit
FP-238 horizontal fan coil unit

1. The air volume and water supply temperature of fan coil are constant. When the water supply changes, the refrigerating capacity changes with the water supply. According to the performance statistics of some fan coil products, when the water supply temperature is 7℃ and the water supply is reduced to 80%, the refrigerating capacity is about 92% of the original one, indicating that the influence on refrigerating capacity is slow when the water supply changes.

2. The temperature difference between supply and return water of fan coil unit is constant. When the temperature of supply water rises, the refrigerating capacity decreases. According to statistics, when the water supply temperature rises by 1℃, the refrigerating capacity decreases by about 10%. The higher the water supply temperature, the greater the decrease and the dehumidification capacity decreases.

3. Under certain water supply conditions, when the air volume of fan coils unit changes, the difference between cooling capacity and air treatment enthalpy changes, generally, the cooling capacity decreases, the enthalpy difference increases, and the fan power consumption per unit cooling capacity does not change much.

4. When the temperature difference between inlet and outlet water of fan coils increases, the water volume decreases and the heat transfer coefficient of heat exchange coil decreases. In addition, the heat transfer temperature difference has also changed, so the cooling capacity of fan coil decreases with the increase of the temperature difference between supply and return water. According to statistics, when the temperature of supply water is 7℃ and the temperature difference between supply and return water increases from 5℃ to 7℃, the cooling capacity can be reduced by about 17%.

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